You are the author of your own life story…

"You are the author of your own life story."  - Author Unknown... 

Actually, each of us is an author...  of our own life story.  What's on the cover of your "book"? 

Peter and I were taking a day trip, when this vibrant person roared past us!  Literally, roared!  I saw the "bicycle" speeding toward us, and knowing that Peter is into bicycling, we took an extra look to see what type of bike he was riding.  My dear sake, we weren't ready for what we were about to behold!  As he came closer, we hear the roar of an engine, and then I see the image of a proud hat placed on the wind-blown red hair, comfortable walking shorts resting on the seat with birks on the pedals!  The red tank top just added the extra flare!  Of course, I didn't have my camera poised and ready, capturing the side view of this "character bigger than life" whizzing by with hair flying behind, so we had to join in  pursuit to capture this "author's" image... his best self!  Needless to say, our Yukon couldn't hold a candle to that little mounted engine rat-a-tat-tatting on his bike frame!! He was going places, and he was on his way! Nothing stopping him!  He darted, swerved, raced down the road, and I was only able to capture where this fine "author" had been.  What a spirit of life being fully lived!  From the jaunty hat on his crowning glory, to the shades providing the perfect shield from anything interfering with his vision for where he was headed!  He had a destiny on his mind, and no high-performance car was going to get in his way!  He was dressed for any occasion with a wallet chained on for dear life in his back pocket!  This "life story" was being well lived!  A full, blow-your-hair-back kind of living was going on right in front of my face!  Thank you, Fine Sir, for showing me a moment of your story!  I'm better for it!

Are you living well?  Are you living fully?  Or are you squishing your "life story" to fit onto the pages of somebody else's book?  Breathe deep and celebrate you today!  God made something incredibly special when this world was introduced to you!  There's a whole lot of life to "pen" onto the pages of your life story!   Live today so well that you make yesterday jealous!


Today…Thank You, Lord, for today…


Life is beautiful….