Life is beautiful….

This is an allegory for 2020/2021...   What was once a thriving plant, now appears to be just dirt.  But a closer look brings new perspective...

On St. Patrick’s Day on my first year of teaching, I received a lovely shamrock from a dear student named Brock.  I can still see him walking through my classroom door with a lovely plant in his hand for me.  This plant has bloomed and been a thriving green spot in my window for 30 years this spring.  Then 2020 rolled into view...  

This is my plant.  I didn’t change anything I have done in its care.  It just stopped growing.  I had wanted to have this plant at my retirement party in 30 more years.  Then 2020 hit.  Need I say more?

But if you look very, very closely...  There’s life!!!!   2020/2021 has taken its toll on all of us, but it hasn’t taken our hope!  Our God is the giver of life!  Just you wait!  Those little buds of green are just getting started!!!  Life and teaching have their challenging times...but it’s all about taking a closer look and seeing the little sparkle of new life and hope where there seems to be nothing.  Yep!!!  Life is right around the corner!!! We just have to wait on God’s perfect timing... 

Life is beautiful…


You are the author of your own life story…


A Warrior’s Heart…