God showed up….again!

Update - Long Overdue

Today I celebrate God’s divine intervention in our lives. Though He has the power to create day and night with just His spoken word, He tenderly and intimately cares for “one of the least of these”.

On this Valentine’s Day, Peter and I celebrate life at a follow-up appointment to check his lung function. Sixteen months ago, to know we’d be in this place of “follow-up” would have been like winning the lottery or a free trip to Europe.

As I sit here and watch him walk down the hallway to check his pulmonary function, he stands tall beside the therapist and walks beside him to the room…no walker, wheelchair, oxygen tank. Hand in his pocket while he visits as they walk. I’m at peace in the waiting room.

God showed up! Perfectly, in His time, in the means that He knew was best for us. His tender mercies are new every morning.

Some of the milestones we’ve been blessed to measure….

I let the tears stream down my heart as I watched Peter and Ethan carry a love seat more than 100 yards across the courtyard to Ethan’s new apartment when he started college this fall. Last year, I dropped him off without Peter. Hard day!

I sat in the car taking picture after picture after picture when I dropped Peter and the boys off at Snoqualmie Pass to start their 55 mile bike ride to Ellensburg on the Iron Horse Trail. As I drove home slowly….yes that is possible on the I-90…the praise music filled my heart, soul, and car.

As Peter hopped in the semi with Seth to deliver our grape crop to the plant for processing after harvest, I just looked with my heart in hand. Really???

And I have to admit, I flat out laughed as I saw my patio we started 3 years ago finally receive the finishing touches the day before school started. Though the pictures may not show, it turned out incredible!!! Our perfect spot to drink our morning coffee he makes me everyday.

Each morning, after we go to the gym and as we drive to school, I’m reminded of God’s tender mercies. Both boys have flown (Ethan at college and Seth in the academy), I look over at Peter and just soak in the view. To be able to hold his hand and feel the warmth of his touch, is the best gift this girl could ever have…. It’s like coming home every single time. This empty nest feels different but miraculous. It is miraculous!

God has even blessed us with another young man that we get to love and support from our classrooms as he starts his life. We’re celebrating all he is accomplishing because of his warrior heart. To whom much is given, we have much to give back, and there’s great joy in the giving! In fact, we get more than we give, without a doubt!!!

God, from His majestic position, saw fit to reach down and touch “one of the least of these”. It’s with pain I write this, as many close to us have not had this blessing. I will never understand the reasons why, but I do feel deeply compelled to thank this God who loves us so tenderly with my life! He is worthy of all my praise and thanksgiving!

Peter, you’re just plain stuck with this Valentine! Not a thing you can do to chase me away…we’ve faced the good, the bad, and the ugly. No one I’d rather face it with…


Thank You, Lord, for the cussing chair…part 1


Why are you downcast?